Welcome to the official website of MJB Pharma

Jl. Raya Babatan Km 4
Desa Bakalan, Kec. Purwosari
Kab. Pasuruan 67162
East Java – Indonesia

+ 62 343 611 678
+ 62 343 611 673
+ 62 343 611 669

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

Instructions from our President Director for
internal preventative measures
Surat Edaran PresDir PT Emjebe Pharma untuk pencegahan internal

Hand sanitizers are now provided in all rooms and areas
Sanitizer tangan kini tersedia di semua ruangan dan area pabrik

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

All staff and guests are subjected to temperature checking,
as seen here with Mr. Bambang Koestoyo and Mr. Teguh

Pengukuran suhu badan semua karyawan dan tamu sebelum masuk,
terlihat di sini Bapak Bambang Koestoyo dan Bapak Teguh

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

All staff are strongly encouraged to wear masks in crowded public places
Seluruh karyawan dianjurkan memakai masker, terutama di tempat ramai

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

Implementing Social Distancing during Lunch Break
Implementasi Social Distancing saat Istirahat Makan Siang

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

Marketing team are recommended to work from home
Tim marketing diminta untuk bekerja dari rumah saja

MJB Pharma Anticipates Covid-19

Staff are required to wear special suits when delivering to highly contagious area, as seen here in Wisma Atlet emergency hospital
Wajib memakai pakaian APD saat mengirim barang ke area penularan tinggi, seperti terlihat di Rumah Sakit darurat Wisma Atlet


(c) 2013, okisusanti